The judges have weighed in and the winners have been declared!

Congratulations to:

1st PlaceAce: Airline Customer Service
2nd Place: RHV2Prometheus
3rd Place:  Victor  CX

Thanks to everyone who participated!

How would you reinvent customer experience so that users (like yourself) love it?

You have probably experienced this many times: certain services or interactions with companies are unnecessarily complicated, slow, ineffective or simply awful. 

Level up your game and join our Red Hat Hackathon! 

This will be an amazing opportunity for you to leverage the power and disruptiveness of open source. What better way to do this than by teaming up with your best dev colleagues, compete against the best developers in EMEA, and take home awesome prizes! 

Here is what you can expect:

Providing outstanding customer experience that customers actually love is especially challenging in more traditional industries like banking, insurance, telecommunication, public sector/government, healthcare, manufacturing, or transportation. These markets offer great opportunities for change and disruption as has been shown by many examples such as Uber disrupting transportation,Twilio disrupting telcos and Stripe or Transferwise disrupting banking. 

We want you to be the next disrupter who creates a customer experience that users actually love. 

Sky is the limit. You choose the area. You choose the app, service, frameworks or programming languages. We only want you to leverage the power of open source technology provided by Red Hat. 

Seeing is believing: Come and show us how you ReBoot customer experience with open source! 



The Hackathon is open to participants who are at least 18 years old, or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where they reside, whichever is older.

Residents of Cuba, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan,  or Syria or Crimea are not eligible.

You may enter as an individual or as a team of up to 5 people.


There will be two (2) Submission Rounds:

Round One: Open to all Eligible participants
Submission Deadline: October 31, 2019, 13:00 CET  EXTENDED to Monday, November 4, 2019, 13:00 CET! 
Shortlist announced: November 8, 2019, 17:00 CET

15 Finalists will move to Round Two

Round Two:  Open to  Finalists to refine Round One Submission
Submission Deadline: November 15, 2019, 17:00 CET

Winners Announced: December 5, 2019, 19:00 CET
@ Viewing parties TBA


All Submission materials must be in English.

Participants will create a submission that showcases a customer experience app or experience created with open sources development technology.

Submissions will use a Red Hat Application Runtime and the OpenShift container platform.  As well the submission must use at least ONE of the following Red Hat technologies:

1. Red Hat Fuse for integration
2. Red Hat AMQ for real time messaging
3. Red Hat 3scale API management
4. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
5. Red Hat Decision Manager
6. Red Hat DataGrid for distributed caching
7. Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO)

Submissions may be a new application or an application reworked to integrate Red Hat technologies mentioned above.

Have ONE team member complete the Submission Form and include:
- URL to working basic prototype
- Link to an Elevator pitch video of 1-3 minutes
- Optional: Link to code repository
- Optional: Link to installation and usage guideline

Hackathon Sponsors


30,000 in prizes

1st Place

- 10,000€ Cash Prize for the team
- Passes to the Red Hat Summit 2020 in San Francisco, including round trip air fare and accommodation for up to 5 team members (Approx. value 11,100€).
- Recognition on official Red Hat social media and developer blog.

2nd Place

- 5,000€ Cash Prize for the team

3rd Place

- 3,000€ Cash Prize for the team

Round One - Participation Gift (3)

Three eligible teams from Round One will be randomly chosen to receive a gift card of 300€. Our appreciation for your hard work and joining the hackathon.

Devpost Achievements

Submitting to this hackathon could earn you:


Find out more about our judges here:

Find out more about our judges here:

Markus Heimbach

Markus Heimbach
Director of Engineering at Dynatrace

Gert Jan van Halem

Gert Jan van Halem
Chief Technology Officer at Devoteam

Jose Quaresma

Jose Quaresma
DevOps practice Leader at Accenture

Markus Eisele

Markus Eisele
Developer Adoption Program Lead, Red Hat Germany

Antonio Valle Gutierrez

Antonio Valle Gutierrez
Global Head of BPM & BRMS Architecture, BBVA

Judging Criteria

  • Disruption of Customer Experience
    0 - 30 Points The extent to which the submission improves or disrupts a customer experience. Does it significantly change the current standard approach / process of how users interact with the services? Does it have any business or revenue implications?
  • Quality of Deliverable
    0 - 20 Points How well implemented and executed is the submission? Is it intuitive and easy to use (UX)? Does it use development best practices (Good code)? No critical issues/bugs were found.
  • Quality of Submission
    0 - 10 Points The extent to which the written and video submissions were professional and compelling.
  • Use of Red Hat Open Source Technology
    0 - 25 Points The extent to which the Red Hat middleware technologies was used. Is it partially developed or fully developed using on Red Hat open source technology or fully developed on Red Hat?
  • Technical Innovation
    0 - 15 Points A solution that uses advanced technologies, product features or mashups and may push the current state of technology.
  • Round One Bonus Points for Open Source Contribution to Red Hat
    Points maybe allocated as follows: 3 Pts for working pull request submitted on GitHub. Max. 6 points. 2 Pts for completely open-sourced Submission. 1 Pt for opening a meaningful GitHub issue related to one Red Hat tools. Max. 2 points.

Questions? Email the hackathon manager

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