Welcome to aelf Web3.0 Hackathon - Legend X!

Build on aelf blockchain a fully-functioning C# application to win over $500,000 prize! 
Let's drive to a new Web3.0 universe which is more free, more efficient, and more real. 


About aelf 

aelf is a technology company who focuses on the generation of digital assets and the development of its blockchain ecosystem, including the aelf mainnet, Oracle, DeFi protocol and many more.

aelf has developed an open-source blockchain network powered by cloud computing. Our mainnet is designed with a multi-level sidechain structure, addressing key issues and realizing unlimited scalability for a decentralized future. With this platform, users can gain access to a single solution which enables cross-chain interoperability and achieves performance at 35k per sidechain.

To express our profound gratitude to all our community members and devoted teams, aelf is thrilled to announce the host of the second hackathon - Lengd X on April 20th. For developers, the event shall come with more diversified tracks to compete within, higher prize to win and more assistance from the host team. Community members shall also have bigger chances of earning our incentive rewards and will be granted greater power to choose their favorite projects.

About the Hackathon

Time: April 20th — June 30th

Venue: Online

Theme: Web3.0


  • Web 3.0 Infrastructure (The project shall adhere to the principles of decentralization, interoperability and composability, and presented as either a tool that users can directly utilize or a foundation on which other applications can be deployed. The project itself can be in a variety of forms, including transaction, identity, security, communication, governance, and everything contributes to the development of Web3.0).


  • SocialFi (The project shall merge the characteristics of DeFi and social networking where users won’t lose their privacy or put any other interests at risk).


  • DID Network (The project should enable the verification of users’ identity without requiring permission from any centralized registries or authorities. It should be proved that user information is under protection against leakage, abuse or other potential dangers). 


  • Creator Economy (The project should put the power back in the hands of creators and assist their growth and monetisation. It must be specified how the incentives are distributed among creators and how their interests are maximally protected).


  • DeFi (The project shall function as a decentralized financial product, exempt from any type of central processing or controls).


  • NFT (The project should stipulate how a piece of NFT is created and where its value comes from. The policy and process regarding the NFT’s transfer should also be made clear).


  • DAO (The project shall uphold the fundamentals of community-owned and community-governed policy. Its design should cover the voting mechanism, means of dispute settlement, incentive programmes, and other collaboration rules).


  • GameFi (The project shall be a combination of game and finance, supporting the play-to-earn model and offering economic incentives for players. It must empower users to transfer their rewards outside the game and ensure such assets can be traded at NFT markets).


What to Build

Build a software application that is written in C# and is deployed on aelf blockchain with full function.

What to Submit

Submissions to the Hackathon must meet the following requirements:

  • Include a Project built with the required developer tools and meets the above Project Requirements. All projects must be fully deployed on aelf blockchain and must be written in C#

  • Applications must be entered into one or more of the following prize categories (the “Categories”). As part of your Submission, you must select the categories which best apply to your Solution

  • Projects need to deploy the contract to the aelf testnet with full function and can be running on the web page/mobile device

  • Submissions must include your contact information, including your email address and/or telegram ID

  • Include a text description that should explain the features and functionality of your Project

  • Provide a URL and access to the Project code repository. The repository must include all relevant Project code and a README with getting started instructions that allow viewers to test the Project. Provide access by making the code repository public or sharing access with devposttesting and social@aelf.io

  • Include a demonstration video of your Project(about 3 minutes)


Projects in alpha phase are encouraged to participate. However, only those who have been fully-deployed to aelf testnet are eligible for prize claiming.

Hackathon Sponsors


$525,000 in prizes
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Web 3.0 Infrastructure First Place
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Web 3.0 Infrastructure Runner Up
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DID Network
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DeFi First Place
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DeFi Runner Up
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Creator Economy
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Community Prize
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The project with the most votes in the quadratic voting will win $10,000

Ecological Contribution Award
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Innovation Award (3)
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Seed Fund
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The seed fund of $300,000 can be awarded to any winning or non-winning projects

Grant Pool
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Quadratic voting allows users to vote repeatedly for their favorite project, the vote(community donated ELF) will directly go to the projects and the voting result will affect the final distribution of awards in the prize pool($100,000); at the same time, it can effectively prevent the giant whale monopoly due to the huge cost of a large number of repeated votes.
According to the quadratic donation algorithm, the nth vote you cast for the same project will cost n*(n+1) ELF; the ELF you cast will be fully attributed to the project.

Devpost Achievements

Submitting to this hackathon could earn you:


Ean Zhao

Ean Zhao
R&D Director/aelf

Jason Wang

Jason Wang
R&D Senior Manager/aelf

Judging Criteria

  • Technological Implementation 20%
    Includes how well the idea was executed by the developer
  • Project Innovation 30%
    Includes how original and unique the project is and the quality of the idea
  • Value to aelf Ecosystem 30%
    Includes the extent to which the solution can impact the aelf community
  • Market Potential 10%
    Includes how value the solution is to entreprise
  • Code Integrity 10%
    Includes the quality of the code for your project

Questions? Email the hackathon manager

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Hackathon sponsors

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